You wanna know where I was at 3:15 am on November 20? Well duh, watching NEW MOON! We did it as kind of a birthday celebration for Heather and Nancy (their birthday is really on Sunday) and it was a hoot. I learned a couple things though, like that I am not in any way a pleasant person at 3 in the morning or that even the "older crowd" that went to the later showing feels the need to squeal everytime Taylor Lautner's abs filled the screen. It was a good time ;)
Amanda, Nancy, Me, Brittnee
The supid Cinemark people made us wait outside even though there was NOBODY in the lobby. I was so stinkin' cold!
Heather, Brailee, and Brittnee in the lobby (FINALLY) waiting for them to let us in our theater! So much excitement!
Overall New Moon was a pretty good movie... there are a couple cheesy parts but that's just a given, it was WAY better than Twilight though!