Tuesday, March 9, 2010

have ya heard? ;)

yes, i know... i am a complete and total slacker. i apologize and hope that this post will help catch you all up to date! :)

so here's the BIG story of how we met: sometime last year i got a random friend request on facebook. i don't normally accept people i don't know but 1. this boy was cuuuute and 2. it said he lived in provo and i just assumed that i had met him in a class or something. so i approved his request and checked out his profile to see if i recognized him... i didn't. however, i was apparently too lazy to take him back off my friends so there he stayed. around december we started "facebook associating" with each other, just dumb stuff like commenting on statuses and such. eventually he invited me and my roommates over to his apartment to watch the office (this was a fantastic sign, anyone that likes the office is awesome!) so i ran a couple tests to make sure this guy was legit and when it all worked out i went over (alllll the way across the street... weird, we were neighbors) and did NOT watch the office. i talked to the cutest boy i had EVER seen, Zachary. :) since that night we have only been apart for 4 days total (well, except now. i'll explain later.) and i have loved every single minute.

Now, the other BIG story: I brought Zac home over super bowl weekend to meet my family. We had already gotten pretty serious and we both knew right where this was heading but i assumed this was just going to be a fairly normal weekend. we had a ton of fun, we hung out with the fam and watched the game at uncle randy and mom's houses so that i could introduce Zac to everrrryone. he was great with it too. he's such a people person, i love how he can fit into any situation! anyways, so we stayed until monday so we could have lunch with my mom and blaine. after lunch he asked me if we could go see the temple since that's where we had already talked about getting married. i happily obliged and drove him over there. we hung out in the visitors' center for a while, sitting in front of the Christus statue. while we were sitting there though ALL of the cute little couple missionaries felt the need to encircle us and give us all sorts of marriage advice, and tell us the stories of their grandkids on missions/getting married AND the background on each of their marriages. i didn't mind one bit, i love talking to people but Zac seemed a little bit irritated and i couldn't figure out why! so he asked me to go walk with him outside. we walked all the way around the temple and ended up sitting on a bench right in front. after saying all the cute things that are naturally said during a proposal he asked me if i would marry him and i said YES!!! :)

the BIG details: our wedding date is set for May 1 in the Idaho Falls temple. there will be a reception that night in firth and we will also be having an open house in windsor colorado. after the wedding zac and i will be moving down to huntington beach, ca for the summer because he does summer security sales (that's where he is now, and that's why we have now been apart more than 4 days... sad) after which we'll be going back to school in provo! needless to say, i'm beyond excited/happy/anxious/ecstatic!!!!