Saturday, February 28, 2009

RobinSyth Photography

Amanda and I got bored Friday and decided that it was nice enough outside to go shoot some pictures since we've been craving some photography. I think they turned out pretty well for being a spur-of-the-moment "hey lets go downtown" kind of thing =) Oh, and some other news... Today we went apartment shopping and we found our new home for next year! I'm pretty stoked. I'll be living with Brittnee, her friend Heather who will be going to UVU, Rebecca, her friend Lisa, and Amanda. Amanda and I will be sharring a room which may be tough for me BUT with her I think I can handle it. haha. We'll be living at Roman Gardens here in Provo. Woo! I'm just glad we found something that everyone can be happy with.

like it?

so i found my new background at Shel's Scraps. I love it because she doesn't put her logo all over it and all she asks is that you give her credit. Plus, this background makes me feel all ready for Spring! woo! Go check her out, there's tons of cute ones!


ok, for real.... this is a big deal.... I'm changing my mind about who is more attractive on Lost. Brittnee, our neighbors, and I have only started watching, we're almost done with season two and as it progresses I think I'm falling in love with SAWYER!
ugh... Aunt Tani and Trace, you were right!

hello, handsome.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

my new family

This semester Brittnee and I made a new resolution to go to FHE since we never ever did last semester. It seemed like a nice, obtainable goal but apparently we needed some help because Britt got called to be our FHE "mom". So now, FHE is in our apartment every week and we got some really fun people making it almost impossible to NOT go to FHE (although, somehow... our other 2 roommates seem to find a way... interesting) I'm not going to lie, I'm starting to love Monday nights! Last week we had it on Thursday night since there was no school Monday and we ended up turning our little dinner into a dance party. Way fun! I'm so glad I've discovered the wonders of FHE!

the "dance chain"

Myles from our ward was called over to dance for us

Katelin goofing off

Parker, our "dad"

Brittnee, our "mom"

a video of the "dance chain"

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I was tagged by my Aunt Tani!

***Rules***1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.2. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.3. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.4. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin’ them ’bout it.
I TAG...


Ta Da...

This was junior year and Katie K, Alyssa, and I were headed to South Fremont to watch girls' basketball districts. We stopped at Jamba Juice so this was just us demonstrating our love for the delicious smoothies! They always gave me crap for drinking mine so slowly though!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

reasons to smile.

today was just one of those days... I loved it! I'm still in such a great mood and it's past 2 am. so I shall recount a few things that made it especially fabulous... =]

1. I got to sleep in through math this morning since it was just a review
2. I only had TWO classes.
3. I came home and had a rockin' dance party with brittnee
4. I talked to aunt Tani for a while on the phone...she got quite the earful all about my current living situations and how I think Jack is so much better than Sawyer on Lost.
5. Brittnee and I went to explore the Provo mall since we have only been to the Orem one. WAY sweet deal on some cute new flats!
6. Nutty monkey milkshake from Arctic Circle. mmmm.
7. I got some super easy jobs for clean check. sweep the kitchen floor? ok...
8. I received three, yes THREE, letters from Elder Sparks!
9. I went dancing at Studio 600 in SLC and had a blast.
10. And to top it off, I got a ride home from a pretty cute BYU football player =]

so there ya go, an amazing day! oh, and the sun was just a-shinin' away today! Spring is soooo close! I love it! Go ahead, smile. It'll feel awesome I promise!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

allred videos

John Allred singing "Promise"

"All I Had"

A cover of Oasis' "Wonderwall" (as you can hear, everyone loved it and felt the need to sing with... haha. apologies.)

Friday, February 13, 2009

wait! wait! yes i do!

ok, so I lied... I DO have something to share! Last weekend I went to Rexburg and I got to see John Allred live! For those of you who may not know who Allred is, I would highly suggest looking him up. He's a pretty big deal around Utah and Idaho. His music is amazing, I could listen to it for hours! And he's such a nice guy, he took pictures with us after the show and everything. It was well worth the five hour trip! If you're not sure which song of his to listen to first, try "Look Out", it's my absolute favorite! I'll try to get my videos up tomorrow, it's late and my internet is being stupid. grr. xoxo, amy jo.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

for little miss ashley

so little miss ashley lynn seems to be unhappy that my life is boring lately and i have nothing to blog about so this one is for her. she is a special girl. i love her guts.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

too fun
(you can make cool pictures too!)