Monday, August 17, 2009

on your mark, get set....

This week is going to be a pretty crazy one with all the packing, cleaning, moving, and traveling but I am SO READY for it! I can't believe I'm trying to squeeze so much into 5 short days and I just hope that I make it through ;) Today through Wednesday is packing and cleaning and just general preparation for the big move so when Thursday morning rolls around I can just hop in my car and get down to Provo! I am so excited to see my new apartment and get everything settled in so that on Friday I can head to SLC and board my plane! So much in so little time... But like I said, SO READY.


  1. Sheesh, I would nanny for a trip to Russia.


    Um probably not.

    Welcome back to Provo and have a glorious time in Russia. What an adventure.

    Thought you could use this guide to Provo! LOL. I love you. Wish you would have answered your phone tonight!
