Thursday, October 9, 2008

oh the studying.

what do you get when you mix 2 eighteen year old girls, a couple rockstar energy drinks, and a bunch of american heritage notes? yep. one amazing cram session. i'm running on approximately 5 hours of sleep from tuesday night. =] but hey, the good news is that ryan and i both passed our american heritage midterms. be proud.


  1. Hi, I stumbled onto your blog... you've got some really beautiful photos, wow!


  2. Good job girlie! Take a nap tomorrow. I know how it feels to go on no sleep. PS. I love the picture in your sidebar with the flower and your eyes, oh, so beautiful.

  3. Ahh I loved college! It's so much fun! You need to put some more pictures on! What else is new with you? I think one of my kids tried to call you the other day! What can I say, they want to talk to you! Love ya!
