Thursday, May 28, 2009

the land of enchantment

Last weekend I took my very first trip all by myself...

yeah, it's a big deal.

So I went to Albuquerque, New Mexico to visit my roommate Amanda and my boy Casey. I flew down on Saturday morning and stayed until Monday afternoon. I think I did pretty well traveling alone and I didn't even scream or squeal when my plane hit turbulence. I feel like such a big girl. Haha. While I was in New Mexico I got to try "real New Mexican" food (a must, according to Amanda), did a little shopping (got the cutest new shorts!), met the whole APX crew that Casey works with, and walked around the Albuquerque temple. The temple is absolutely gorgeous! Right as we were driving up to it there was a rainbow directly over it- pretty much perfect. It was nice to get to see both Amanda and Casey and the trip was actually very relaxing. I'm glad I went and now they both owe me a trip to Idaho! =)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

here's the low-down

OK, so although I'm INCREDIBLY disappointed in America for picking Kris last night, I have picked my sad little head off the ground enough to blog.

To kind of catch up, last monday was my friend Nick's farewell dinner and it was pretty sad. Nick has been a brother to me and all of my friends for just about forever! He will be an amazing missionary in Canada though and I'm so proud of him!

That same night Ashley, Alexa, Bailey, and I drove up to Idaho Falls to see our friend Brianna who is pregnant! She is the first out of our friends to be married and to start a family so it's pretty exciting for all of us! We just kept squealing about how adorable her little baby bump is and how happy we are for her. I can't wait to see her adorable little girl!

Last night I made the most delicious dinner I think I've attempted thus far in the nannying gig. Homemade chicken taquitos! I was pretty impressed with myself. And the kids actually ate them! That in itself is a large accomplishment. Click HERE for the recipe!

I also got to go watch Alicia's dance recital last night. I love dance recitals!!! Anyways, of course Alicia did AWESOME and I was super proud of her!

Nannying is going OK overall, just a few minor things here and there to deal with but nothing I can't handle! I am super lucky I'm so close to home though, it's keeping me sane! And it always helps that I have my mom and Melissa to call when things get a little overwhelming. Lis just laughs at me when I call her from Wal*Mart to beg for advice on how to keep little ones' mouths closed, like when Ben (the 3 year old) was screaming "I need to fart!!!" for the majority of the time on our last trip. *blush* I can't exactly just yell "IT's OK! HE'S NOT MINE!"

Tonight "So You Think You Can Dance" starts and I am SO. EXCITED. Kylee and I LOVE that show! Woo!

Just a random thought, tonight is graduation at the high school. I can't believe I've been out for a full YEAR now! It's crazy but I don't miss high school all that much, but dang time flies!


That's about it for now... I'm still alive!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

my vote

hecks yeah.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

how redundant {thank you}

(bonus points for anyone that can name the movie i am referring to in my title!)

so kylee already blogged this story but i must re-tell it because it made our whole night happy sooo....

kylee and i were just sitting here relaxing on her adorable red sofa when all the sudden there was a knock at her door, it was a lady with a couple kids and a box in her hands, she handed it to me and said some stuff about ky's stuff always ending up at her apartment a few buildings over. so i checked it and sure enough there was our aunt tani's adorable hand writing so kylee was SUPER stoked! she rips it open and there was some of the letter blocks that aunt tani makes, each were wrapped but they were marked with a number so kylee would know the order. well we open #1 and its an M, so we were like "oh, how cute, McKenna!" but the next letter was an E...

umm, merry christmas maybe? the colors WERE red white and black... it could work...

the next letter is an L.


next comes a C.

kylee is sounding it out, "MELC... MELC..."

then it hit me, i just leaned over and flipped the "M" to a "W".

HAHAHA. WELCOME!!!! of course!

it was HEE-larious. i love good times like these. =)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

i'm drawing a blank...

i have searched the deepest crevices of my mind, i truly have... and i have not a single entertaining thing to blog about. so i'll share some pictures that we took the other day at the park. the goal of this little adventure was to get some pictures to put in a frame for their mom and i did end up getting some really nice shots (with my little canon point-and-shoot i might add) but these are some goofy ones. i'm really starting to get attached to these kids and even though i get frustrated its a good experience and i've realized that it will be even easier when i have my own!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

and that's how she became... ThE nAnNy

I know you have all been sitting on the edge of your seats for this one... my first post as a NANNY. I started this new adventure yesterday and so far it has gone pretty well. I am still in Idaho so it's not some HUGE change or anything but I am now living with a family that consists of three children (ages 3, 6, and 9) and their dad. I am so glad I can be here for these kids during this crazy time in their lives. Their mom has been battling with a substance problem for a while now and finally the dad took custody of the kids and is now raising them himself. These kids are adorable and I only have to get semi mean with them, just a few "Do you want to go in a time out"s and "Don't talk to me like that"s. I will keep you posted but I have a feeling this is going to be a pretty easy summer.

ALSO... the little 3 year old is in the process of potty training (kinda late, but he's getting there) does anyone have any tips? cause let me tell you a little somethin'... 3 year old poop in a pullup is my kryptonite.