Saturday, March 14, 2009

artsy fartsy *WARNING tons of pictures! =]

I shouldn't be blogging... there are a million other things that I have to do. HOWEVER, I must post all these fun pictures from yesterday. We turned our Friday the thirteenth into a little "craft day"!

First of all, the sun was shining outside and the weather was simply fantastic so Amanda, Brittnee, and I decided to make our shirts for the Neon Night next week at Studio 600.

Then, we stayed outside to enjoy the rest of the warm sunshine and found ourselves reminiscing about our old cheer days in high school. This is Britt displaying her tumbling. Pretty darn good for not even warming up if you ask me...

After 6 months of making fun of it, Brittnee and I broke down and tried "Burger Supreme", a sketchy looking burger place right by our apartments. We were shocked at how busy it was and were pleasantly surprised at how yummy those greasy burgers were!

One more craft we just HAD to get done was our shirts that we NEEDED to have in order to display our love for the certain addicting show...


  1. I want a Lost shirt, and Sawyer...hands off, he's mine!!!

    Love ya...cute pictures ya cuties!

  2. hahaha I love the pics! we are so crrrafty, it's sick!
